Suleiman X 5
Yep, you're seeing the reason I chose firearms; I have three beautiful daughters! Family is everything! I am rich in blessings!
5S Precision Firearms is a veteran-owned and operated custom gunsmith business located in Palestine, Texas. With a passion for precision firearms. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch customization, upgrades, and repairs for all types of firearms. We take pride in our craftsmanship and commitment to ensuring our customers have the best shooting experience possible. 5S was started with the idea of family, It's in the name for a reason. Between my beautiful wife and I, we have over 40 years serving in the Marines and the Texas Army National Guard. Nothing is more rewarding than getting to help our community and neighbors. This company is part of our dream, and we hope to always carry the highest standard when it comes to 5S Precision Firearms professionalism, integrity, commitment, and of course providing above average services and an experience that changes expectations to never accept defeat!
We pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service. Average is considered the bare minimum, what you will recieve is nothing close to average. I have had a quote for well over 20 years for a reason!
'To Accept Average, is to Accept Defeat"
You will not be defeated with 5S Precision Firearms!